tarotscopes for august

Hey, I hope you are having a nice August!  Below are horoscopes, and several of them cast a longterm forecast over August and into the next few months; in one or two cases, into the next year.  This might be because August's astro energies are dominated by the big outer plants, which are slow moving and they influence overarching themes of our lives - themes and events like marriages, meditation practices, and mental illness.  If you have marriage, meditation, and mental illness in your life - you know what I mean:  "My partner and I have been married for fourteen years," or "I've been meditating for fifteen years," or "My child's been struggling with this mental illness their entire life."  That's the vibe of this month's horoscopes, which I hope can provide some solace and grounding in any confusing situations.

LEO:  During your birthday month of August 2020, you will be attempting to handle and comprehend the unexpected and unfortunate result of a defeat (the Five of Swords).  Because at sometime in your past, there had been a significant and cruel challenge, which led you to making a change in how you are creating the life that you live (the Four of Cups).  You wanted stability, you fought for stability, you achieved stability.  However, now it's become too much stability, and the stability feels dull.  During August 2020, indulge in meditation and yoga sessions, as times when you can comtemplate what to do about that defeat and resulting dullness you're experiencing.  Try to remember that, although there was a defeat, you've actually triumphed!!  Appreciate that your life is balanced and organized in a stable way.

As a bday special, below are horoscopes for Leos' next year.  I broke down this zodiac sign into its decans.  Happy birthday, lovely Lions.  I hope it's a great year for all of you.

LEO I (JULY 23rd - AUGUST 1st):  If you're a Leo I who is either planning to get married or who got married during the 2010s, then marriage will be happy over the next year (the Ten of Cups).  This is a forecast for relatively young marriages - not more then a decade old.  Your marriage will be full of energy and confidence, and that will make you feel strong and passionate (Queen of Wands).  Second to marriage, Leo I's will also be focused on the courageous women in your family.  You will feel very happy as you watch everyone's dreams come true.  During this month of August 2020, continue to create a year and a life that is rooted in these relationships.

LEO II (AUGUST 2nd - 12th):  My oh my - I don't know what you wished while blowing out those candles, but look forward to a year when you will feel full of joy and love (the Ace of Cups). There'll be possibilities when it comes to sexuality, which encompasses and offers a wide spectrum of exciting experiences -- from exploring new sexual boundaries with your partner, to becoming better informed about gender, and so many more possibilities (the Ace of Cups).  Also, one central figure in your life might be a confident young man who is an assertive warrior - maybe a man who is actually a soldier/veteran, or someone who is a strong and disciplined civie.

LEO III (AUGUST 13th - 23rd):  Weary from battle, you might feel afraid that you aren't prepared to face future challenges (the Nine of Wands).  A good strategy would be to release blockages in order to feel inspired again (the Three of Pentacles).  Turning points in life really stress out everyone, but particularly for you - during this longterm battle - celebrate turning points as progress and hope.  Meditation was mentioned above, and this might be a practice you want to develop over your next year of life - especially when you feel challenged and blocked. The good news is that there's a buffet of meditation techniques to choose from!  There's sitting meditation, mantra meditation, walking meditaton, plus other meditative practices.  And each practice can help to reduce stress, during a year that will have some tough times.  You can do it!!

VIRGO:  Yes yes sweet summery yes, during August 2020, a love relationship will be taking root for you (Knight of Cups).  Use your strong individual tendencies and willpower to ensure this is an especially good month for everyone involved.  If you happen to be a parent with an infant or another young child, your kiddo will increase the good fortune of your love relationship. You, the person whom you're romancing, and your joyful child make up a fantastic family unit - so definitely spend bonding time together, celebrating each other (Knight of Cups with the Sun).

LIBRA:  It looks like the circumstances of your August 2020 could oscillate between being okay and neutral, to being full of fear and worry - but never quite being happy and positive (the Nine of Swords).  Yes dear Libra, you yourself are a loving and compassionate person, but there is a changing circumstance that is causing you to experience anxiety (the Nine of Swords with Queen of Cups).  Wherever there is a lack of a stable plan, please use intuition and kindness to spiritually heal a young person who has been suffering from a mental illness.  Remain resilient.

SCORPIO:  During August 2020, whenever you get the feeling of being trapped, please respond by going inward (a Reversed Page of Swords).  Respond by finding the place within you that feels most defensive.  This month's tarotscope is a red light warning to eradicate an obsession that has brought you to an extremely dark place (Reversed Page of Swords with Eight of Swords).  When you feel trapped and defensive, please be more honest with yourself about those who are being victimised.  There is usually more than one victim in a situation, and for your part, you will need to spend August ripping off any blindfold and taking steps out of this very dark place/situation.

SAGITTARIUS:  This is a longterm tarot forecast covering approximately the next nine or so months, from August 2020 to about April 2021 (Knight of Wands as timing).  During this time there will be alot of scattered energy in your life, which will feel like a burden (Ten of Wands).  You'll feel overloaded and oppressed, and unrelenting duties may lead to illness.  In the midst of battles, you will become very angry!  So whenever bickering gets out of hand, make sure to relax.

CAPRICORN:  It seems your month will be greatly influenced by the large planet Uranus, which turns retrograde on 15 August 2020 and remains so till 1 January 2021.  (The Fool in tarot correlates to Uranus in astrology.)  For the 5+ months while Uranus is retrograde, please safely remain in your comfort zone (Uranus Rx).  Capricorn men may choose to disengage from a bad primary relationship, while the speech and words of Capricorn women might be extra powerful.

AQUARIUS:  Is there a strong and disciplined Gemini in your life who has a good head on their shoulders?  During August 2020, a connection of mental clarity and honesty will be especially strong with that particular Gemini - or possibly more than one candid Gem (King of Swords). Your reason, life experience, and wisdom will hold influence over this independent Gemini (the King and Queen of Swords together).  However, outsiders will be a very detrimental influence on your relationship with this independent Gemini.  In particular, any unfriendly Virgos will be a dividing and damaging force on this connection with the focused Gemini.  So, please remain close and honest with this forthright Gemini, while protecting that relationship from outside and bad influences.  And whenever outsiders start competing for the attention of your Gemini(s), don't worry - because this Gemini is interested in YOU, dear Aquarius.  As a pair, you and this Gemini know how to appreciate life.  If you two meditate, have some zafu sessions together.  ♥

PISCES:  OOOh baby, I've been here...  Dear Pisces, on one hand, your August 2020 will be full of abundance and healing (Three of Cups).  Social contact provides positive outcomes, especially when it comes to a friendship with a Cancer born between July 1st and 11th (Three of Cups).  On the other hand, there is a love triangle between you, this Cancer, and possibly an Aquarius born between February 9th and 18th.  When you suspect something fishy is going on, you are right.  No matter if someone tries to make you believe otherwise, go with your gut when it screams that you are being cheated on.  Your gut tells truth, and then it is your responsibility to figure out how to handle any betrayals.  There are at least two people close to you, who are deceiving you.

ARIES:  During August 2020, because of poor financial planning, you might feel overextended and imbalanced (a Reversed Two of Pentacles).  Whenever you feel financially confined, your initial response should be to simply accept the consequences of your poor planning (a Reversed Two of Pentacles).  Financial setbacks will lead to a lack of ability and lack of power.  Spend your August 2020 looking at this situation and figuring out how to execute better financial planning.

TAURUS:  On one hand, in August you will be attracting people who are similar to you (King of Pentacles).  There's an abundance of "like attracting like," which will increase your social success and which will make your life feel extremely balanced (King of Pentacles).  However, despite this social harmony and security, you continue to feel somehow out of touch with "normal."  These days, we all feel out of touch with "normal," but specifically for the Taurus clan, things feel weird when it comes to your career.  So here is one possible solution >>> Although you are wide open, socially speaking - making happy connections with folks over here and over there - when it comes to work, erect firm boundaries.  To use metaphoric house terms, you must preemptively install support pillars so that your career does not collapse - and then everything will be alright!

GEMINI:  During August 2020, you will be intellectually stimulated, and your work life will be quite wonderful (Ten of Pentacles).  If you're religious, you might discover your deepest wisdom. Please enjoy August 2020 for the discovery and stimulation that it offers, and take a vacation from thinking ahead / about the future.  Just enjoy this pleasant summer month with its gifts of wealth, loyal loving pets, powerful meditaton, and any meditative insights (the High Priestess).

CANCER:  During August 2020, whenever you are standing up for what you believe in, rely on your patience and inner strength (the Strength card).  This is a slow-burn battle, which will ultimately increase your spiritual maturity (Strength with Seven of Wands).  This is an out-of-control situation that might be about health, in which case you should aggressively protect yourself and those involved, but definitely remember to utilize discretion and consideration.


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