
   the world + the hanged man  

Abbie: ...Then we drove drunk, but I stopped that, and then he kissed Trish, and then we walked home.
Dorothea: Ah.
Abbie: You're not mad? You're mad.
Dorothea: You get to see [my son] out in the world as a person. I never will.
-From Mike Mills' movie 20th Century Women

After interruptions and sacrifices, a querent finally has the world at their feet (the World).  This person is now experiencing fulfillment and completion, and they'll travel this summer.  Whenever this person travels, he or she will finally be letting go of those pesky interruptions and punishments (Hanged Man).  Because previously there had been an external and imposed suspension put onto our querent, but the upcoming trip changes and ends this suspension.
Our dynamic querent and their circumstance are a self-contained thing/experience in itself.  Although this is an odd and rare tarot combo, although these cards are typically considered to be opposites, the energy is balanced.  The Hanged Man is intensely spiritual and introspective, while the World is an externalised release.  But when these two cards are together - which isn't often - then it's a clear, indisputable message that now is the time when a very independent person will flourish by becoming perfectly harmonized with the rhythms of the outside world. This private person has become whole, healthy, happy, and protected by God -- as they travel.


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