an intelligent querent

queen of swords + the hierophant  

   Today's tarot card combination paints the portrait of an intelligent querent who possesses freedom of thought (Queen of Swords).  Part of putting their thoughts into action involves reaching out to others, which this querent does in an honest forthright way (Queen of Swords).  Our experienced querent has some sorrows.  This person's been through alot, but our querent is reaching out to a religious man who is blessing our querent.  In the past our intelligent querent experienced manipulation and slander, but this querent can trust the traditional religious man.

   This is the third day that we have had a perceptive Queen in first position, so we could have the same emotional querent who's been fully facing their feelings.  This attractive and relaxed person can impart constructive criticism - to themself and to others - without losing their aura of coolness.  Because this is an extremely "cool" person - like Ryan Gosling cool; alittle shiny, abit fashionable.  This person is probably cooler than the conventional folks s/he is interacting with, but these past few days haven't been about ego.  The past few days of Queen energy have been about being accountable to others, and there's also a vibe of marriage.  The vibe is vague, but still there...  Someone officiates marriages, is married, and /or going to be married within the year.

* My super old laptop is on its last leg, and today I was not able to upload images.  Apologies!!!


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