connected querents

 two of cups + ten of wands  

   Today we have two connected querents who've been destined to meet, and now these people are finally sharing the same space/time/reality (Two of Cups + Ten of Wands).  They can and are staring into each other's eyes, feeling unified and happy to have met.  Two of Cups often indicates romance, but I like allowing excitement and love to be widely applicable - yes between lovers, but also including nonsexual intimacy -  for example, bromances or  formers spouses who are successfully coparenting.  However these two querents are unified together, they can and will accomplish meaningful achievements.  And if one of the querents happens to be a Leo, then the lion's struggles will be alleviated by this destined partnership.

   * Once again, my super old laptop has decided to not upload images - aaargh and apologies.


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