financial failure

six of wands rx + ten of pentacles  
Today's querent will transcend financial failure, and s/he will establish a family that shares a sublime spiritual connection (Ten of Pentacles).  This spiritual family culture is represented by the ten pentacles configured like the Tree of Life.  The growth and culmination of family life will not lead to financial stability or rewards.  This will be a household with very little money (Six of Wands Reversed), and it will always be very poor.  The querent and their family - no matter how much they work - will never become financially stronger.  That being said, they'll be quite a remarkable clan that has strong traditions and a long legacy.  The family's successes will be their strength and solidarity, and they will succeed in this way precisely because they completely accept their poverty.  In this household, the motto might be something like "We don't have money but we have each other" - something along those lines.  That's not to say our querent won't be bothered by the family's poverty, because in private this person will probably wrestle with self-doubt.  However, more than self-doubt, our querent will really love their family, and s/he will be a terrific head of household who creates an amazingly strong family.
Today's cards are from Teach Me Tarot.


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