a relationship

   justice + hierophant  
Today represents a relationship that is fair to both people (Justice).  This pair is impartial and virtuous together.  One of the people might be a Libra who is just and faithful.  This Libra has a new interest in behaving to a norm (the Hierophant).  After experiencing life in full, these two folks are now ready to experience marriage.  And it will be a legal marriage - not one only in practice, not only living together as life partners, but going down to town hall and signing the line.  I don't see a big splashy wedding here, but  only a small ceremony that honors and legalizes the strong emotional connection.  These two people need to keep everything mellow and as stress-free as possible.  Stress just isn't their style, which I happen to think is very cool.
Today's cards are more covers of journals that can be purchased on Amazon.


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