courageously foolish

   the fool + seven of swords   
Today's querent is being courageously foolish (the Fool).  I believe two words for that are bravado and hubris.  As this person embarks on a new beginning, s/he is going with bold and original decisions, but they are also be hasty and dishonest (Seven of Swords).  This person's thoughtless behavior involves scheming and deceiving.  I think the most dangerous element in this situation is the person's innocence - either the person naively believes that he or she is not causing any trouble, or the person is just on a manic high when they aren't clearly thinking.  If or when this person crashes down to reality, they may realize "Holy shit - I was really trying to mess with the people around me."  Because right now this carefree person has become too changeable and too optimistic, at the same time, and it's a bad emotional cocktail.
In a tarot deck, the Fool (0) precedes the Magician (1) which is a discouraging implication that yesterday's querent has begun to plan their future with sinister undertones.  Privacy has become secrecy; willpower may be used to manipulate.  Yesterday's querent is still in a quiet phase or place, where they're trying to patch together resources for an advenuture.  That's well and good, as long as this person is diplomatic and doesn't become aggressive with others. 
Today's images are the covers of tarot card journals that can be purchased on Amazon.


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