powerful thought

high priestess + page of swords  
I wanna start off with an admission because it's the only introduction I can think of that brings tonight's message into the mundane:  An teensy old Jewish man lives in my belly.  When I'm alone, not doing anything polite or performative for another person, when it's just me and me, it's really me and the introverted perfectionist Jewish man living in my belly.  This Jewish man has a name, which I won't say here, and while there isn't actually a little man living in my belly, there is the idea of a presence that keeps me company and helps me to figure out if something is brilliant or bupkis.  Perhaps you call it something simpler, like thought chatter.
Tonight's card combination is about very powerful thought chatter, which is more than mere thought chatter.  Tonight's querent has a strong influential feminine energy, which is separate from their ego and which affects their behavior.  I feel like tonight's combination is a calling to heal and/or heed one's inner mother, a process of empowerment some people undertake in order to heal trauma caused by patriarchy, like Mike Pence type of patriarchy.  The querent's inner queen or mother energy has message:  Our querent must mentally work through a creative project, and this querent must be intuitively curious.  Go wherever and work however your creativity leads you.  Your inner muse is in high gear and nurturing you like a stage mom.
I've gotta end because my dog is giving me sad neglected eyes, but this is a really special tarot card combo.  It is about a private and buried layer of the querent that is pushing to the surface, which you can call corny, but we've all gone through that - just compare yourself now to who you were 5 years ago: The mystery that you are is unfolding.  And that is very beautiful.  
Who you are is beautiful.  Now go create something!
Tonight's cards come from Albano-Waite Tarot.



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