initial attraction

   the lovers + four of swords  
   Today's querent has experienced an initial attraction to someone, and this attraction has the potential to grow into a peaceful love (the Lovers).  However, for the time being, our querent is deciding not to pursue the attraction (Four of Swords). Instead, our querent is choosing to be alone, to rest, to work on their art, or to pray.  S/he is withdrawing and disengaging from the love interest.  Instead of pursuing a partnership with another person, our querent is focusing on themself and their privacy.
   If today is a continuation of the last tarotscope - NEW BEGINNING - then the same querent may have decided he or she isn't quite ready for a new beginning with their love life (the Ace of Cups).  A recent temptation of the heart is in the process of being rejected and turned down - politely and passively.  Instead of stepping into a new relationship, our querent has chosen to quietly prepare something else that is also significant.  This other thing requires concentration and detail to attention, and perhaps our querent also believes that they aren't healthy enough for an involvement right now.  This new relationship might have a chance, if our querent could communicate that he or she needs a romance which will progress slowly and calmly.  But if this relationship involves impending pregnancy and/or children, then our querent is right to wait and hold back.  In the grander scheme of life cycles, this looks like a time in life when our querent won't be short of partners to pick from - if our querent turns down this love interest, another will come along by the end of 2020.
Today's cards come from the Rider-Waite Tarot.


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