honest querent

   the high priestess + justice  
Today's honest querent is a woman leader who possesses intuition (the High Priestess).  She needs to trust her instincts, as she leads others toward justice and equity, as she pursues fairness through the legal system.  The intregity and consequences of her leadership will be fair to everyone, even her opponents (the High Priestess with Justice). This person's strong moral principles are downright glorious, almost otherworldly.  Ironically, this articulate woman comes across as mysterious and closed off, although she is working for the greater good of others - because popularity is not her primary focus.  When fighting for justice and equity, this woman isn't seeking other people's approval.  She is a humble instrument of God, and she is creating greater fairness in our world, using the legal system as her means to that end.  In very intense terms, this woman is God's presence in our human world.  Right now within her process of activism, this woman is probably resting in a period of deep reflection, but ultimately she will triumph on the deserving side in law.  In the end, justice will prevail.
Today's tarot art is by R.Black.


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