extremely different

three of swords + eight of wands  
Raise your hand if you've ever fallen for the wrong person.  (I am raising both my hands.)
Healing after divorce?  Unintentionally betray someone?  Well, here's one for us in that club:
Today we have two extremely different querents who are in a very complex situation (the Three of Swords).  One uncomfortable querent [1] knows all of the reasons that he or she must ask for forgiveness, and this person plans to express their remorse in a very swift way.  They will try to carry out healing posthaste, because this querent may soon be departing for a journey (Eight of Wands).  While quick energy is required to prevent anymore heartbreak, it also seems rapid action is also part of the problem.  No matter how an apology is administered, no matter the pace of this attempt to heal, it looks like there may be the tragic loss and damage to our heartbroken querent's inner nature [2].  This situation has been a blow to their self-esteem [2], and it will be a long time before he or she completely recovers.  As for the other person, the one whose heart is not broken [1], their quick decisions will be abusive and will cause deep longterm grief.  If it's possible for this person to slow down and to behave in a more sensitive manner, then doing so would be a major mitzvah - or else this person [1] is going to betray and emotionally cripple our heartbroken querent for the rest of their life [2].
Here is the onus on today's uncomfortable heartbreaker [1]: Destroying another person's inner strength is cowardly, selfish, unkind, unethical.  It makes you one of the bad people; puts you in the Donald Trump category.  Take time faciliating this process of forgiveness and healing, so that it is authentic and effective - not merely a quick and empty gesture.

“To me, the thing that is worse than death is betrayal. You see, I could conceive death, but I could not conceive betrayal.” – Malcolm X

With all this chatter about "good" vs "bad", today's tarot is taking on a tone of black-and-white morality, partly because yesterday and today we had some of the worse Swords cards (Three of Swords, Nine of Swords, Ten of Swords).  If today is a continuation of the NEGATIVE POWER we examined yesterday, I'd say that it's an encouraging scream for our sad querent to start loving him-or herself.  This is the hearbroken querent's onus [2]:  Never give anybody else the power to destroy your inner strength.  Love yourself soooo much more than anybody else could ever love you.  Sometimes life is cruel, and other people's actions may traumatize you, but these events are opportunities to grow spiritually / emotionally stronger.


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