practical querent

page of cups + knight of pentacles  
   Today's practical querent will be offered financial help (Page of Cups), and our querent should accept the offer because money could help our querent to make slow and steady progress.  Our querent should make themself available to the money being offered, and then today's tarot cards predict our querent will spend the money wisely (Knight of Pentacles). This querent will spend the money making small adjustments, which heal troubled emotions.
   Our querent may also be in need of some sexual healing.  This person is smart enough to have safe sex, so either there are already prophylactics in their medicine cabinet, or this querent will be spending money on protection at a local CVS.  There may be an attraction to someone younger than our querent, but this would be a mostly erotic experience, without any long-term relationship considerations, and so age wouldn't matter too much.
   I like our querent:  They are having money problems, and they may not have had nookie in awhile, but this person isn't worked up.  Instead, our querent is efficiently figuring out effective and sex-positive solutions.  Despite their money troubles, this stoic person remains emotionally secure, and discreetly open to alittle sizzle with a sweet someone.
Today's and yesterday's images are the covers of journals that you can buy on Amazon.


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