social and emotional

 four of swords + the hermit  
“Trust has to be earned, and should come only after the passage of time.”  -Arthur Ashe
   Today's tarot reading is about social and emotional distance, as a querent figures out whom to be hands-off with versus whom to be hands-on with.  This querent is in a time of contemplation (the Hermit) when they're figuring out whom to retreat from versus whom not to retreat from.  During this meditative period, our querent should concentrate less on the opinions of most people - but not dismissing everyone.  Today's two cards suggest stepping back from anyone or anything causing our querent to be overwhelmed and anxious (Four of Swords).  On the other hand, today's querent will recognize a teacher who can help them overcome corruption in their life, and our querent should pay close attention to this teacher.


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