nurturing mother

ace of swords + the empress  
Today's tarot card combination is great news for a nurturing mother or grandmother who possesses powerful mental force (the Ace of Swords).  This woman is at the beginning of a new cycle, which could be a mental love connection, coming together with someone in heart and mind (Ace of Swords with the Empress).  Our caring querent is pregnant with a new idea, which will shift her focus from self-love to lovingly influencing others.  The mutual admiration between this woman and those around her will allow for our querent's new idea to progress, so that ultimately there will be greater justice for all.  Our querent may be a working mom employed as a nurse in a fertility clinic, or our querent might be a grandma who is teaching her grandkids during this current pandemic.  However today's mother archetype manifests, we have a woman whose great power lies in helping others to grow. 


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