we go high

strength + queen of swords  

"When they go low, we go high."  -Michelle Obama

   Today's majestic querent has the courage to pursue enlightenment (Strength).  Pivately, this person has explored a range of ideas.  Over the course of their life, they've learned to move through life's ups and downs.  At this point in life, our querent is able to summon inner strength while moving through complex situations (Strength + Queen of Swords).
   Right now, this person's fortitude is being misunderstood.  Our querent's razor-sharp power of reasoning is, justifiably, the source of their confidence.  If our querent's courage and intellect are underappreciated by someone, that may be the result of our brave querent coming off as unenthusiastic and unsupportive, creating a situation that appears to lack mutual support.  More than our qurent continuing to display their honest actions, someone may want our querent to behave in a less dignified and benevolent manner.  I am getting the sense that someone is pressuring our querent to dumb down, to become small, to take a back seat.  I think today's cards are cosmic encouragement for our querent to not do that!!!  Today's cards confirm that the situation is indeed complex, but our querent will ultimately succeed by staying true to his or her life philososphy of kindness, courage, and inner power.  The ultimate success will be bounty for everyone, but that can't be achieved in an illogical or cowardly way.
Never be less spiritually awake, in order to make someone else feel comfortable.
Because haters gonna hate.  So shake that shit off...  To paraphrase Taylor Swift.
Today's artwork is borrowed from Sacred Sites Tarot created by Federico Penco.


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