balanced querent


    temperance + the world  

A balanced querent is capable of practicing magic that would be successful (the World).  To carry out this magic, our querent needs to do three things:  Firstly, s/he would need to move, perhaps overseas.  Secondly, s/he will need to get their hands on the right magic objects - similar to Hary Potter finding the enchanted coins and Dumbledore's cigarette lighter.  Thirdly, he or she would need to become more moderate about their alcohol intake.  And then, today's spellcasting querent could bring about widespread peace that exerts control across the world, causing profound change in many lives (Temperance).  The world is what we make of it, and our querent wants to make the world a steadier place with less fighting and more peace.

Today's cards are from Marigold Tarot.


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