fortune to share

   ten of pentacles + eight of cups  
Today's tarot card combination is an omen of enough fortune to share (the Ten of Pentacles). However, at the moment, our querent isn't close to a family group that one usually shares their fortune with.  Because recently our querent's affections changed, when s/he went in search of a new and better family situation (the Eight of Cups). Our querent's search for their tribe and their status as a loner are temporary.  Our querent should expect a future of stability, when they will connect with a spiritual community that will benefit from the shared fortune.
Yesterday we had another card combo that presented CHANGES HAPPENING in a querent's community.  If this is the same person who's been surrounded by or associated with enemies, that querent has finally and definitively made the decision to travel.  Their brave transition will culminate with a financial windfall.  While this querent may still feel blue on the inside, external changes are now being put into motion with both forethought and self-confidence.
Today's images are the covers of tarot diaries, which you can purchase on Amazon.


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