complex peacekeeper


two of swords + six of pentacles  

A stalemate has blocked the emotions of today's complex peacekeeper, who is trying to be a giving person.  This stalemate affects the querent's finances, but a solution (two Minor Arcana cards) is on the way:  Sometime soon the querent will surprise someone by giving money to them (Two of Swords + Six of Pentacles).  The recipient may not know that the querent who is offering this financial gift made a difficult decision; their act of generosity required effort and sacrifice.  Our querent had a brief period of inactively sitting on the fence, before sharing their wealth.  Part of our querent's complexity is that they are a peacekeeper with character flaws, and these flaws may be reason their financial generosity is difficult to celebrate and/or acknowledge.  One of these flaws may be indecision, but perhaps it should be recognized that - although later than sooner, in the end - this querent actually and finally followed through with a significant financial gift.  Although this person had a tough time making a decision, it shouldn't be ignored that they're also generous.  Another character flaw is that this querent is overly self-conscious, which accounts for him or her being slow to act.


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