typically energetic

page of wands + the hierophant  
When a typically energetic querent feels down in the dumps, he or she should empty their mind of worries.  Instead of focusing on frustration, today's card combo urges our querent to work on larger-than-life expectations/endeavors (Page of Wands).  Because this person most definitely can have a larger-than-life experience.  For starters, it might be helpful for this person to talk about their expectations out loud, whether to another person or to themself.  This person's words, their wishes, their hopeful expectations are sacred - and achievable (the Hierophant).  These may not be wild dreams at all.  They may actually be surprisingly "simple" and conventional hopes, like returning to school or wishing to settle down with a long-term partner.  Although mundane, there is nothing boring about these achievable and very-human hopes.  So if a current issue has been frustrating, then our querent should rise above that pesky problem by spending more time envisioning their next - and better - life chapter.  Our querent should invest their energy and imagination into dreams of the future. 
Today's images are borrowed from the Light Seer's Tarot.

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