the time being


the fool + ten of pentacles

For the time being, today's querent has a foundation in a wealthy and wonderful family life (Ten of Pentacles), where there may be one or more children.  However, on the inside, our querent is feeling ready to leap into the unknown (the Fool).  Our querent is processing this feeling, and deciding whether they should say yes or no to this private desire.  Because the querent's inner Fool is hidden underneath a lifestyle of inheritance and affluence.
Dearest Querent: Yes - you have achieved a level of success, and you've established a most stable foundation, but it is not feeling like your final outcome.  You want more, and you are wondering what's next in your future.  Believe in your gut feeling.  Believe in the Universe. Believe in Nature - because if you feel like the next chapter should be outside among the plants and trees, you're moving in the right direction.  The Fool is out in the world, not in a house/home.  Over the next few weeks, by the end of September, you'll know what the next chapter is.  The current chapter of life is proof that you make good decisions, and now it's time to make a new set of good decisions.  Spend time examining how you relate to success you already achieved, and bring that relationship to the success you'll achieve in the next chapter.
Quite fittingly, today's sweet cards are from the Tarot of the Younger Self.


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