
 the hierophant + the fool  
Today's traditional querent is about to embark on a very untraditional chapter of life.  He or she has grown into an extremely wise and knowledgeable person, and now their life has a solid foundation that is based on learning a religion (the Hierophant).  However, sometime soon, a significant opportunity to take a risk in life and in love will present itself (the Fool).  Whereas this querent is used to being wise and stable, the new beginning will push our querent into a place of being inexperienced and innocent.  The Fool whispers things that inspire fear within a traditional Hierophant, and specifically our querent will fear the loss of their very solid foundation.  What our querent must remember is that the Fool also offers beginner's luck, so tonight's conventional figure should move forward trusting in that strange phenomenon of novices experiencing a disproportionate frequency of success.  If today's querent is a Taurus who is a teacher - to be even more specific - in the new chapter of their life, this Taurus should rely on the spiritual guidance that he or she built up during their current / last chapter of life.


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