a certain maturity

  nine of cups + four of cups  
As a tarot reader, I tend to intuit a certain maturity from the happy Nine of Cups, which I read as indicating someone who has waited and passed some time before reaching their current state of gratitude and contentment.  This tarot reading is no different, and I see today's querent as someone who's put on weight from the joy of good eating and drinking.  Strains of boredom and regret have begun to creep into our querent's contentment, and this boredom may cause our querent to miss a valuable opportunity that could increase the fulfillment they already enjoy.  This tarot combination is advice for our querent to put fantasies into action - because there is something in our querent's world that, if placed in a positive light, can increase the satisfaction which he or she is already blessed with.  Dear querent, the genie in your bottle can offer even more wishes, so transform apathy by applying your maturity and industry.  Things are already good, and they can keep getting better!  Believe it or not, there are more wishes to come true.
Cards are from the Royal Road.


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