emotional issue

  seven of cups + five of swords  
When if comes to an aggressive emotional issue (Cups), today's querent is searching for a solution and hoping to find it within a group of men.  Unfortunately, today's card combo is a warning that none of these men will solve our querent's emotional issue.  Especially if our querent is connecting with guys online (Seven of Cups with Five of Swords), then these connections will only end in arguments - partly because the men have no intention of emotionally connecting with our querent in real time.  The men may be unfeeling internet trolls who prowl online, always hidden by a false profile.  Our querent must remember that he or she is too good for these emotional games.  The emotional issue is real, and our querent deserves a solution, but they must explore their possibilities elsewhere, in-person and in real time.  (Today's cards are borrowed from Tarot Heaven.)


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