positive message

 the magician + the hermit  
Today's positive message encourages a resourceful querent to efficiently use their willpower in order to get things that s/he truly desires (the Magician).  This process of employing willpower is carried out in solitude, where our querent will be paying a great deal of attention to detail (Hermit).  It's necessary that our querent take time to be alone with themself, before forming a strong relationship with someone else, and that someone might be a child whom our querent gains custody of or adopts.  Because there is celibate and single vibe about our querent, he or she will not need to have sex to procreate offspring, although a young dependent could enter their life sometime during 2022.  Right now is their last phase of quiet downtime, unattached.
This combination is widely celebrated and written about by others.  Check out an alternative interpretation on the Tarot Reader Blog.  Cards are from the all-female Modern Witch Tarot.  


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