a thousand miles


page of pentacles + ace of wands  

A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step (Ace of Wands).  Today's querent is a young person who knows that it's time to get serious, and their first step forward comes in the guise of a financial opportunity (Page of Pentacles).  This beginning mostly impact the querent's day-to-day routines, like what time he or she has to get up and/or how much time they have for exercise.  With all of these different day-to-day details, it will be important for our querent to also keep one eye on the longterm journey they have embarked on - and that is a journey of love.  Yes because, after stepping into a new financial opportunity, then our querent will start a passionate love affair, which will be the bulk and the best part our querent's thousand-mile journey.  In this case, a financial opportunity will come first, functioning as the catalyst of change, and this inital phase will be passing, comparable to a rocket's blast off.  However, second will be a fiery affair overflowing with closeness and touch, when our querent will feel over the moon in love.

Last week we also had the energetic Page of Pentacles as a first card.  If today is the same person POSSESSING INNER FOCUS, he or she should get ready for the physical touch love language to spark creative ideas.  The physical closeness may occur in either a romance or friendship, but whatever the (positive) context, our querent ends up feeling extremely happy.  In addition to love, financial seed will be flowing into this person's life.

Here's a song for the querent's last 500 miles.


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