emotional nature

 five of cups + the star  

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.  -Maya Angelou, civil rights activist

Today's situation is of an emotional nature (Cups).  A querent is disappointed and is experiencing feelings of misery.  A loss has led to sadness.  However, there will be a quick recovery from this situation (Five of Cups with the Star).  Sometime soon, this will become a situation that carries an air of happiness, largely because someone hopeful will influence and inspire our sad querent.  This hopeful person won't even be fully aware of their influence on our sad querent.  In the end, this entire situation will become another example of the saying "when one door closes, another one opens."  Because while our querent may be deeply disappointed by the end of one special relationship, our querent can nurture a new happy relationship with the hopeful person who's entered their life.
Being a tarot reading about two people, today may be another look at the PROGRESSIVE QUERENT from last weekend.  If that is the case, then despair has put a damper on their dreams (Page of Pentacles).  Today our mournful querent is grieving, but by the end of this week s/he should begin to sense that they are truly blessed by the universe.  Latent creativity may creep up and begin to be shift the querent's perspective, so they feel gratitude for the ways they continue to thrive and survive - instead of focusing on loss.
Cards are from the Royal Road.

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