
knight of wands + ten of cups  
A courageous querent may be a chivalrous man who is being hasty when it comes to love (Ten of Cups).  He'll definitely find happiness in this love relationship, being one half of a couple that fulfills his spiritual needs (Ten of Cups).  Embarking on this emotional journey, our querent should prepare for a satisfying adventure of the heart.  His actions will lead to inner happiness.  The one thing that could sabotage this querent's happiness is his penchant to sometimes be superficial.  If our querent becomes hyperactive or overly confident, then that would put the kibosh on this emotional journey that is just starting out, and which could be in this first stage of puppy love from now until next March 2023.
Puppy love first popped up last week in the reading about SURPRISING IDEAS.  If today is about the same inspired querent, they continue to use charm as a means of resisting authority and control.  Over the past week, surprising insights may've shown this person that they are ready for the security of marriage.  However, just to repeat today's warning, this guy must be totally sure he is ready for that long-range and long-term partnership.
We'll end with a song by Reverend Al Green.  Today's cards portend that our courageous querent will find love, happiness, and peace at the end of the rainbow.  Congratulations!

Cards from Lo Scarabeo Tarot.

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