emerging triumphantly

    justice + eight of pentacles  
Because today's balanced querent has justly treated others with integrity (Justice), an imbalance is about to be corrected, the consequence being that - in the end - everyone will get what's right.  However, before that end is reached, our querent may experience one or two moments of feeling trapped (Eight of Swords).  At those times, this person must be courageous in the face of pain and punishment.  This querent has the energy and bravery to prevail, and they also have karma on their side.  With a history of being balanced and fair, our querent will be able to escape out any corner they are backed into.  Leading up to the end, when everyone will get what's right, there may be a bumpy process/journey for our querent and others.  This seems to be a butterfly effect situation, where someone is destined to be victimized before emerging triumphantly.
Cards from a Tarot de Marseilles deck.


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