a terrific week

    ten of wands + five of wands  
It is a 50-50 Monday for today's burdened querent who starts this workweek internally struggling with slightly negative feelings about some heavy obligations on their plate (Ten of Wands), while also positively committed to accomplishing all of their duties by the end of Friday (Five of Wands).  Over these next few days, rows and conflicts with competition is the result of our querent over-extending themself, so this person should stop fighting - breathe deeply - and remind themself that they're fighting because they are stressed and on edge.  Any conflict(s) will actually be quite meaningless.  If our burdened querent finds ways to better manage obligations, s/he can have a terrific week.
This one is for our over-extended querent who can/should shake off some of their stress.

Images are from Unify Cosmos.

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