prosperous future

  two of swords + six of wands  
In this financial tarot reading, today's querent is experiencing short-term financial stability as they transition onto calmer waters (Six of Wands).  It's likely that - beyond stability and maintaining - higher earnings are in this person's future.  But for right now in mid-March 2023, this person is in the process of moving onto those higher earnings (Two of Swords).  Not only will this person earn more, but life circumstances will calm.
In our last meditation from a month ago, we also had the Two of Swords, and it is easy to spot how both readings may be connected - with related themes of career and finances.  Not that everyone has to work for money, but assuming our querent's earnings are dependent on a profession, then this person has maintained financial balance over the past few weeks (Two of Swords).  It has not been an easy balance to strike.  This person had to overcome some hardships, which they overcame because they're flexible and adaptable.  All cards in this three-reading series continue to point to a prosperous future.
I read the collective message of these three readings as a clear and confidence-boosting directive:  To make money, our querent must move forward into their prosperous future.


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